Thursday, August 5, 2010

Listen To Your Body

I was a strict vegetarian for many years for health and moral reasons, but as the years went on I started to crave meat. But I though that because I was a yogi, and because I was known as a vegetarian amongst my family and peers, that I would be judged if I had some chicken in my salad.

Eventually I broke through that because I realized that my body was telling me something and that I should listen. If there is anything that I have learned from yoga, its to listen to my body.

So many of us have lost connection with this inner voice due to all the things that we feel we need to get done in our daily lives. I encourage you to take a moment to reflect today on what does your body crave? Is it really a that bag of chips that your body craves? Or is it something more substantial? Take time to eat what you REALLY need and your body will reward you with real satisfaction and boundless energy!

My energy meal today is this greek salad with quinoa and salmon. Leave me a comment to share your favorite summer meals, maybe you will inspire someone to make better food choices today :)


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