Do I need to register for classes?
Some classes are available to registered students only due to space limitations. Please look at our schedule to see if the class you are interested in is specifically for registered students or if you can drop in.
How do I get ready for a class?
Come to class 5 minutes early to settle in. It is best wait at least 1 hour after you have eaten before doing yoga, but if you need a snack try something light like fruit or yogurt. Wear loose fitting clothing and note that yoga is practiced in bare feet.
I am an total beginner. Do I need to be in really good shape to do yoga?
Beginners Classes are great for those who are new to yoga, out of shape or just plain inflexible. These classes are gentle enough for anyone to do and will help you gain a basic understanding of yoga in a safe and non judgmental environment.
Do I need to bring a yoga mat?
We encourage people to bring their own mats, however we do have some at the studio that can be used by students.
Is Yoga a religion?
No. Yoga is a system of techniques that can be used for a number of goals, from simply managing stress better, learning to relax, and increasing limberness all the way to becoming more self-aware and acquiring the deepest knowledge of one’s own self. The practice of Yoga will not interfere with any religion.
Is there anything else I should know?
Before attending yoga classes there are a few things to be aware of.
· Let your teacher know of any health issues or injuries so that he/she can give you relevant instructions during the class.
· Pregnant woman must be sure to inform their instructor and let them know which trimester they are in.
Is yoga a good workout?